
163 Movie Reviews

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one word: WOW!

This is... just... I don't have superlatives strong enough to express the levels of excellence this all-too-brief display of skill attains.
If you aren't being paid for your animation skills, you should be. You have tons of talent. Your timing, your draftsmanship, your color & shading... WOW!
It's obvious you love the work. You really should consider making a career of it.
I didn't think it possible, but I am even more in awe of your abilities than I had already been!


(please develop this further! I would love to see the story of Vyron!)


The graphics aren't ever going into the Louvre, and the sound suffered a bit from the compression, but this piece is still teh SiHt!!!1!
I love how much you fit into this with such a small (relatively) file size.
... and you have a new concept for NG submissions: the humor is actually FUNNY!
I really enjoyed it!

<3 this.

genius work. brilliance, absolute.


This is great work.

I totally <3 your work.

Merci & Shukran

(I'm not Persian, but both of my bosses are Farsi, and I love them like family. Does that count?)

If only it were true...

This would be the right animation to choose for the 'last.'
I truly enjoyed this piece, which is a surprise. I've seen too many sticks. I'm glad I looked at this one.
'The Last Stick Figure' is one of the best I've seen -- not just stick animations, one of the best ever. Should be front page.
I admire your timing, your effects, your silent vocabulary, direction, sound, etc, etc, ad infinitum.

In words of our Alex:
's right 'orror-show!

ta to you, droog, plus ta,

Blue2 responds:

thanks old droog.

Meatloaflicious pervection!

This is an absolute gem.
Pure hoot.
110% double-plus-good.

You had best be currently hard at work, slaving over a hot flash, just to put the next episode of your brilliant creation before your newest obsessive fans.

You are about to understand the agonies of success.

Now stop wasting time reading reviews and go make more episodes of Le Petit Americain!




What are you still doing here? Go make more episodes of The Adoption of Bob Cheesemountain, I said!

\m/(^_^)\m/ -{joo rock!!)
I vote fi5en!

Strong work. I like.

Well crafted flash with nice artwork, strong synch and excellent - but very subtle - sense of timing.
I even agree with most of Ratbag's rant... I would just like to point out the thought that, since NG is 24hrs a day, what time of day you submit a flash may have an effect on how it scores and how many votes it attracts.
Not every member of the community can vote on every submission to the portal, and definately not while it's still under review...

"JackassTown Middle-School A$$Hats" all getting home from school and flooding the Portal with insult-review blam-bots, they determine your blam/pass/fi5en score, which will have an effect on the number of views it receives post-portal.
It's just theory, but maybe you could get more positive reactions by changing what time you submit the work...?

Good work and talented artists on NG get overlooked and underapreciated and absolute garbage gets over-rated way too much.
Then again, that's basically true everywhere, not just Newgrounds.

.. Um...
sorry. book-length review/rant...

stoners-lunchbox responds:

Cheers. Unfortunately i don't know when it's night over there in America. I live in Melbourne, Australia (the middle of nowhere in poor words) and i forgot how many hours apart we are. So i could submit it at a time when everyone here is awake, but also when all of you have already hit the haysack. Unfortunately that's going to affect my work... I'll have to find a workaround for that...

Anyway, thanks for the vote and for the lengthy review. Viewers like you who take the time to actually vote and review in such depth make flash authors feel like their work isn't a waste of time.

\m/(^,^)--{Tihs RawX!!)

Why don't you call the Aincient God of Shut the Hell Up, huh?

This is absolute f'king brilliance.
Across the board - art, animation, writing, timing, etc ad infinitum - you display nothing but the definition of 1337 SkillZ!! (word)

welcome, latest addition to my favorite authors list!

m(-_-)m --{I bow to your excellence)

"The Devil's in the details. God's in the infinite deep. A word was spoken; I was awoken, only to fall back to sleep"


RockStar/CoffeeJe rk

Old School

San Francisco, CA

Joined on 9/30/03

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